Guy Evans

VPS to a coloed server, my homelab journey - Part 2

After the Virtual Private Servers After loosing one of my virtual private servers along with the data in the ‘The Great Fire of OVH 🔥’1 (Yes I know I should have had backups of that VPS2), I thought why not setup a Proxmox3 Cluster4 on a couple dedicated servers. So I went ahead and found where you can rent dedicated servers for cheap, their cheap hardware is old and the connectivity is ok but you cannot beat there pricing (Server with an Intel Atom C2750, 16 Gb Ram, 1Tb Hard drive and 1Gb of ‘unlimited’ bandwidth was €14 per server/month at the time).

BGP IPv4 Config on Mikrotik RouterOSv7

So I know a couple people who run their ASNs on Mikrotik routers (running RouterOS) as their hardware is cheap and easy to find. That includes me, I run BGP on their CHR image to announce my own ASN and IP v4 and V6 subnets. RouterOS CHR which is an image of RouterOS that you can run on your own hardware. You would prevously use RouterOS version 6, but now version 7 has a couple stable releases and is supposed to be more stable and faster for BGP, I thought I would post some of my configs for version 7 as the config syntax has changed quite a bit.

VPS to a coloed server, my homelab journey - Part 1

As a young child I always had an interest in computers and tech, little did I know that it would foundation for my carear path that I have chosen today. So where I am retracing my steps of how I ended up with a server colocated in a datacenter that made me the sys and net admin I am today How I Started Age 12 - I had built my own website (but thats a story for another post.

Hello World

Hello world ! I have been toying around with the idea of rebuilding a blog. What content will you find here? Projects I’m working on Random Thoughs Stuff I’ve found useful Extracts of Infratructure I’ve deployed LOTS OF RANDOMNESS Photo by: Vladislav Klapin @